granitecountertops - Crafts Festival planned for fall
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Last year was the first time this event had been put on by the Business Chamber and it was a huge success, bringing in crafters from all over the place - -many of whom were local residents and visiting "snowbirds" that come back every year to spend the winters, as well as craftspeople from nearby towns and counties. The festival is open to anyone as long as the products are homemade items - no vendors or craft supplies are allowed. 

The event will take place in the metal building at Tyson Wells Showgrounds, the second one in from the corner. Space indoors is very limited and preference will be given to those who participated last year. There will be plenty of spaces outside as well.What's the difference between Marble tiles and Porcelain Tiles? The cost for the festival is only $25 for each space for the two days, a real bargain. 

The theme for the festival is Christmas but the crafts do not have to be holiday related. Decorations on the tables with this theme are encouraged. You must supply your own tables and chairs and it is asked that the tables be covered to the floor so it looks really nice. 

The indoor selling area as well as outdoors will also be decorated and there will be Mr. and Mrs. Santa and some elves there to greet you, as well as for pictures with the kids if you wish. 

The festival will be well advertised in local publications as well as several statewide news sources and social media.You will never need to change the bulbs and your granitetrade will last for years and years. Fliers will be mailed out this month to every campground and RV Park in La Paz county and also Blythe and Yuma and several towns up on the northern Colorado River area to hopefully get more crafters to join in the fun and to let people know that this festival is going to be bigger and better than last year and will bring more people to Quartzsite this fall. 

All participants will also be asked to send in photos of their crafts they will be selling or at least a list of them so that when the spaces are assigned, there will not be the same things together. Spaces are 10x10 around the building and around the inside walls of the building and the center spaces in the building will be 12x8 in order to leave enough walking aisles. All participants will also be asked to donate one of their handcrafted items for a raffle. 

This event is the only fundraising event for the Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce and all proceeds will go toward their printing costs, postage fees and other related expenses to keep the chamber going. If you are a crafter and would like to join in, please get in touch and get your name on the list.Gives a basic overview of Stone carving tools and demonstrates their use. If you cannot participate but love homemade items for yourself or gift giving, this is the place to come to Nov. 31 and Dec. 1 at Tyson Wells Showgrounds and join in all the fun. 

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. started as an outgrowth of Greco Products, a miniature picture frames company founded in a garage by David Green in 1970, according to information provided by the company. It now sells arts and crafts supplies, home furnishings, seasonal decorations, fabrics, picture framing and other items through more than 550 stores in the United States, including its 9-year-old store at 5030 W. Main St. on Kalamazoo’s West Side. 

“What we bring to a vibrant crafting community is quality merchandise with exceptional value, and the widest variety of crafting supplies and home décor merchandise under one roof,” John Schumacher, assistant vice president of advertising for Hobby Lobby said in a press release. “Customers new to Hobby Lobby are always in awe of the size of our stores as well as the selection of merchandise we carry.” 

More than 100 children and chaperones from the Neighborhood House in Dover, NJ filled the Museum over a two day span for a full-day visit to the Museum. Funded by the Community Foundation of New Jersey, the camp children participated in a number of the Museum’s popular education programs, which include interactive lessons and craft projects for each child to take home. 

In addition, Whole Foods Market of Madison generously donated delicious and healthy bagged lunches that included a sandwich, fruit, a cookie and water for each child and chaperone. 

For many of the campers this was their first time visiting at the Museum. They were thrilled with the unique history programs they got a chance to participate in and asked lots of questions. Campers left the Museum chatting to each other about what they learned with large smiles on their faces. 

Housed in a 1900 Richardsonian-Romanesque Revival building listed on the National Register of Historic places, the Museum explores 18th- and 19th-century American history, with a focus on New Jersey. Drawing on its collection of over 8,000 hand tools and their products, METC uses material culture to interpret the lives and technologies of people who lived and worked before the rise of large-scale industrialization in this country. 

The Museum offers visitors of all ages a broad range of changing exhibits, and related programs that address many facets of early American history, craftsmanship, and the diversity of trades performed by men and women. 

The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts received a General Operating Support Grant from the Borough of Madison, Charles Read Foundation, F.M. Kirby Foundation and Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders. The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts received an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.

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